In this article we explore
  • why time-lines matter,
  • look at practical scenario's that we face daily
  • how to tackle meeting our own deadlines, and
  • how to support others to meet theirs.

Setting up internal and external time-lines is important to almost any task and any role, and it is essential for the smooth running of any organisation.

Lets look at a office scenario :

Manager: Kabir , can I have a detailed plan of the execution of Winter orders? Its important for one of my meeting?

Executive: Sure Manish, I will try ,but takes time to do this

Manager:  Can you also take support from Lisha and get back to me on possible date ?

Executive:  Absolutely, I shall get back to you as soon as possible

As the week passed ,

Manager: Can I review the task assigned tomorrow Kabir?

Executive: Its half done Manish, Can I close this next Week !!

Typical Conversation between a Manager and Executive!! Who do you think is correct ? The Manager or the Executive??

The important thing here is that tasks were discussed and left hanging, Both the manager and the executive did not attach a date or timeline to their conversations
“One of the perspectives I've gained is the importance of keeping everyone in the company on the same page & prioritising the company's needs correctly.  And I've learned that there are two really, important aspects to this:  One is setting commitments and the second is always attaching a date to those commitments”

In my experience, I have learnt that the 5W’s and the H framework is the easiest method to help. Just answer the following questions:

  1. Who?
  2. What?
  3. When?
  4. Where?
  5. Why?
  6. How?

I have never worked in any company where deadlines are as routinely disregarded as they appear to be. One step toward reducing the stress and work we create for others, and ourselves, might be to take deadlines more seriously so that there are no negative consequences for missing a deadline.

Deadlines can be classified into Rigid and Soft.

Rigid deadlines are the bureaucratic deadlines that we have to navigate routinely in order to complete the macro tasks.

Though rigid tasks are pertinently more important but, soft deadlines can’t be taken too lightly too.  One of the tricks to manage these soft deadlines is learning to set goals that are both meaningful and realistic. 

Many times we often underestimate how long it takes to complete projects, so the deadline you've set could be unrealistic. Some effective ways to manage our time-lines.

  • Two way Communication and emphasise on past learnings.
  • Outline significant training needs if any.
  • Maintain consistent contact with team throughout the duration.
  • Consolidate and review the team’s feedback.
  • Anticipate any hurdles.
What If I Have Trouble Meeting a Timeline?

No matter how diligent we may be, there is always a possibility that we may not meet a deadline. If you have a project due tomorrow, and just can’t squeeze everything into your 8 hour work day, the  preferred alternative is to appraise your reporting manager that you are unable to deliver on time.

However, if a deadline is coming close and you know there is just no way you’re going to be able to make it, you are best off calling your manager or client and explain the situation to him/her. Then try to negotiate another deadline.

The cost of false Commitment

Making false promises has greater consequences than you can possibly imagine.

It makes you an untrustworthy person, it lowers your standards and shows you as someone with a poor work ethic, it compromises the strength and integrity of your relationships with fellow colleagues.

“It is better not to make a vow than to make one and not fulfill it”

Finally , I would like to share my experience of healthy team is helping Others to meet said time-lines.

As a manager, you likely know who in your team is confident and capable of meeting deadlines, and who needs more support. Remember, time-lines that you've set for your people become their responsibility , but you can help them succeed.

Please share your thoughts in comments below!

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With 16 years of vast experience in export & domestic apparel manufacturing, Ajay currently heads the quality division at Arvind Fashions Limited. His motto of “learning” has helped him in improving throughout his career. He has a keen interest in Lean manufacturing, Six sigma concepts & KPI management in Quality & manufacturing excellence.


Time is precious, without time nothing can be done... very well explained about the value of timeline.. Good article.

Time is the essence !!

Well Explained sir

Well explained sir

Very informative, I think, explaining how to meet the time line will help little more

Great insight, explained well about timelines and commitments.

Very well said.Without time line any task or accomplishment cannot be fulfilled and time is very important to for every work that we do as a routine.


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