Innovation – Cost or Investment ?

In our industry, does the top management think of innovation as an investment?

The answer is No.

Many think of it as cost to the company.

Why should a factory spend money on innovations? The buyer has a design team, who’s job is to think of new ideas. They have product specialists who survey the market & bring in new product ideas regularly/ The factories also believe that providing a few swatches when the buyer asks or getting tech packs & executing them is enough to run the business.

In a broad sense everyone thinks innovation is represented by introducing or implementing new ideas or methods. This cannot be farther from the truth. It is the process that involves multiple activities to uncover new ways to do things. It is the process of translating an idea or invention into goods & services that create value for which a customer will pay.

A fabric which got converted to garment for the first time is an Innovation. Polyester convertefilm, filament and staple fibre is an innovation.

1. Product Innovation : a) Making a completely new product. B) Giving a new feature in an existing product. C) Enhancing the features of an existing product.

2. Process Innovation : Combination of methods, technologies and skills to produce & support a product.

3. Business Model Innovation : A holistic and organisation-wide transformation which is usually not an incremental change.

Product innovation is a result of new technology or new insights about customer needs. Of course process innovation has innumerable ways to show the customer an additional value in the product. Business model innovation can impact everything from product to cost to market. Online business & sales is an example here which changed the offline store sales model.

There are lots of product innovations happening in our apparel industry. Few are : Moisture Absorbent Fabrics, Recycled fibres, yarns and fabrics, Smart Clothing, Biodegradable garments, Leather alternatives from Apple Pectins, Nano textiles, fibres from organic material waste etc.

Bulk application route of Natural Dyes, Seamless and Stitchless garmenting, Zero waste production, less water technologies, digital printing, ozone finishing of denims are some of the Process innovations under process.

Today, the environment is fast faced where technology is advancing at a breakneck speed. For any business, it is important that it adapts to these changing trends in order to become competitive. Bigger opportunities are created by Innovations which are critical for the survival, economic growth and success of a company. Innovation will become a reality when leaders are open-minded & collaborative. Manufacturers/vendors should always strive to work on innovations based on the above 3 areas to keep themselves relevant in the market. It's only through innovation that they propose a uniqueness to the buyers.

Product innovation is often visible to the consumers, while a process innovation may only be seen and valued internally.  Process innovation has a large impact on cost of production & increases revenue, thus impacting the company itself first.

Innovation may not bring in returns immediately, but in the longer run it makes a large difference. The current trend of sustainable product innovations is one such example. What was once an innovation is today the customer’s demand. All the manufacturers who shifted to such products a few years back are making highly profitable returns today.

So, is innovation a cost or an investment?

I believe it's an investment… Do share your point of view on this subject!

See you in my next article, follow me…

RELATED TOPICS:#Textiles,Apparel,Fashion,Innovation,Product Development,knit,Fashion Design,fashion industry,textile industry,apparel industry,creation,innovation strategy,Satheesh Kumar

Satheeshkumar Dharmalingam is a textile enthusiastic person, apparel sourcing professional specializing in Knitwear. Having 25 years of work experience in various companies, he Graduated in Textile Technology and holds Masters in Textile Chemistry.


well said and change is inevitable

Investment in innovation is a value addition to the business untill it's invested in planned ways to get desired results. A company should foresee whats their requirements or products for launch before investment.

Very good. Explanations are very simple and any person can understand things easily. Keep going Mr.Satheesh.

Very well written sir, I do believe innovation is a key point to a business! And with Textiles, with the current trend consumers do look forward for comfort and something innovative in what they do and wear. Good learning in this sir. Thanks for your inputs will look forward for many more knowledgeable insights to up-skill. Great going sir

Only those who are innovative will last long in the business. Well said Sathish.

Innovation is the key to future. If the factories do not shun conventional methods and do not innovate then sustainance will be a challenge.

Very true sir.... Innovation is key

Really nice sir on how important innovations in the current given situation

Very well said Sir. Change is the only constant!

Very well said satheesh and continue to write more articles

Well said. As we know change is inevitable so the need of innovation is also important.

Well written Sateesh.In today's times it will be the innovation that will matter the most to the customers . For eg,the Anti Covid Fabric now will be of great value till the fear of Covid is completely over . Similarly offering innovative designs in garments ,creating new product as per the time will only be the serving point for customers henceforth. The Mantra will be - Just Innovate and Create to Interest Customers.

Well explained and emphasized that innovation is an investment. After reading this article companies will understand its reality and will never mind in investing on innovation. More the innovation more the new products and brand name.

Innovation is becoming a key competitive battleground in every sector. Consumers expect the next thing to the big thing. Tradeshow is cost to the company initially and when you invite customers and spend time in introducing your new products then it's an investment. So that product innovation also is the same formula. Well written Mr. Satheesh Kumar

Innovation is KEY to drive..very nice and brief explanation given..super Satheesh sir

Great insights satheesh, you had given different dimension for innovation with your experience and knowledge application.... looking forward to your further articles.


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