When we visit mill weeks or vendor presentations, we often see that a majority of the collections are in top weight fabrics. Rarely the vendors carry an exhaustive collection of bottom weight fabrics. This is the general scenario for most of the vendors and mills across India, except a few who specialise in bottom weights. These are very few in number & can be counted on fingertips.

This clearly shows that a DIVERSIFIED APPROACH is missing amongst the vendors which leads to an imbalance in product offering. In this article we will talk about DIVERSITY & how it can help in gaining business & building volumes.

I spoke about AGILITY & SPEED TO MARKET in my previous articles. In these articles, I have covered how to achieve quicker turn arounds in piece dyed, printed & yarn dyes fabrics. There are plenty of mills available in the market which deliver Top weight fabrics. But the situation is reverse when we look at Bottom weights.

Sourcing top weight fabrics is rather easy. I have heard vendors say this several times; “if you have orders in 40s poplin 40s poplin, 50s poplin, 60s poplin, 60s cambric, 30s rayon qualities we can deliver dyed & printed fabrics in no time”.

On the other hand, sourcing team will sit & break their heads on where to place bottom weight orders & get faster delivery. As these are limited sources, the buyers are at the mercy of the mills & vendors in terms of lead time & price.

Indian vendors often see business as a RAT RACE & run behind the same orders. Everyone chases top weight orders & is sometimes forced to reduce prices drastically to grasp these orders too. Hence the big queue of vendors for top weight fabrics. This clearly demonstrates a lack of DIVERSITY missing in their business approach. On the other hand, there are very few players in the bottom weight category & they land up dictating their terms like in price & lead time. These may not be in line with the market demands or buyers needs.

The lack of DIVERSITY in the Indian manufacturing sector has compelled the domestic/export buyers to look at other countries as their sourcing hubs. This is the primary reason behind Bangladesh & China producing & offering huge quantities in such products to Indian as well as International markets. This indicates that the bottom weights segment is being overlooked. I would say that its a lost business opportunity which is sizeable & has a lot of potential in getting orders & building volumes with great cost.

As per my knowledge, Ahmedabad based mills/vendors/process houses have recognised this gap with their DIVERSIFIED approach. They have utilised this opportunity to scale up their volumes & business gains in the bottom weight segment. Yet there is a substantial  gap as they are able to cater to only part of the domestic & export demands.

In today’s scenario customers are looking for an alternative to denims, which have been ruling the global market from quite some time now. It's the right time for the vendors to DIVERSIFY  their product offerings & focus on product developments in bottoms.

Why bottom weights?

  • Indian cotton quality & staple length supports to spin coarser counts which are suitable to make Bottom weight fabrics
  • Our weaving infrastructure suits the productions of such fabrics. These fabrics density is less & most of them are made in twill weave, which is easy to produce.
  • Processing can be done in the same machines as the top weight fabrics with slight changes in settings.
  • Agile solution can be offered in a segment where there is competition limited.
  • Staying away from a race of commoditising product offering which will benefit in business break through & better costs too.



  • Look Beyond Obvious in every business opportunity to explore the gains. Design and develop an exclusive range of bottom weights which is in line with market trends & present to buyers keeping the SMART principle & 5p’s in mind. These principles were covered in a previous articles. Click here to read.
  • It's important to have a processing specialist, subject matter experts & right technician in the teams. In order to handle machineries & materials wisely & to deliver first time right, the right manpower is important. Additionally, grooming & enhancing the skill set of people to cope up with modern technology is also very important.

MACHINE (at mills & process houses)

  • Almost 90% of the bottom weights fabric requirement these days is for minimum 2%-3% stretch. In such a case, having the right machineries make a lot of difference. Be it sampling or bulk, the machines should be able to handle stretch fabrics & be well versed with heat setting process to deliver consistent quality.
  • More & more buyers these days are looking for Bi stretch products & dual/tri blend fabrics for their bottom needs. Hence, it is imperative that machineries are able to support handling of such product type & give quality output consistently.


  • Usage of best available raw material ensures excellent quality, reduces rejection & wastage at various stages & helps in offering the best cost & get orders.
  • Mixing & blending of different raw materials at various stages of manufacturing can yield new products which can attract the customers.This helps in gaining additional business & maximising profitability. As others would take a few seasons to crack the product, you get to enjoy the monopoly in the meantime.

Let’s apply DIVERSITY in the business, enhance our capabilities in offering bottom weights to buyers & gain the business advantage.   

RELATED TOPICS:#Textiles,Apparel,Fashion,Fabrics,trends,brands,vendors,fashion industry,india,indian,textile industry,apparel industry,Textile,bottom weight fabrics,exports,trousers,Ramesh Gunasekaran

Ramesh Gunasekaran is optimistic & cheerful textile technologist with an experience of 20 years. He is an apparel sourcing head who specialises in strategic sourcing & opportunity buying. He has worked with leading apparel retailers, export buying houses & factories. He is currently the Head-Sourcing for Easybuy-Max retail division @Landmark Group, India He nurtures future talent through his career guidance programs & need based learning sessions.


Good one

thanks Alakan for your comments

Valuable information. 'Diversity' is the need of the hour. Keep going.

thank you Dr.Saravanan. happy to have your views.

Valuable information sir Keep rocking ...?

thank you suriya

Well written Ramesh. It's real challenge for the sourcing merchant to source bottom weights. Large MOQ per design and per color MOQ would compell a small brand to order higher qtty and leading inventories. There should be holistic solution for this problem.

Hi, yes, to begin with we need to have more sources on this segment then only we can think of managing the MOQ challenges with ease.

Hi RG, as you mentioned- 3M is critical to have competitive approach. Thanks for sharing the inputs !! ?

Hi Paramesh, yeah you are right, appreciate your feedback.

Hi sir, Valuable in sight into bottom weight. I don't think, there is shortage in supplier. I would say, supplier's don't get there price .

thank you Sakthivel for your comments, in my view price is a by product to an vendor for his ability to service quality product consistently.

Ramesh The question is why ? This opportunity is present in India for a long time now in bottom weights , then why has it not flourished ? In this competitive business environment , these opportunities don’t go unnoticed but Probably there are hindrances which needs to be pondered upon ...

Dear Arvind, very valid points arvind, it's time to review the hindrances & overcome the same to keep the business relevance in today's scenario.

its nice and wonderful ramesh ji

thanks Nagendar...

Hi Ramesh, Well derived on diversifed business As you explained India has the huge potetional in bottom weight expansion and whoever made this changes are fast growing in industries In current situation we have a import restraints with pakistan and china its a goods opportunity for the indian suppliers to see a potential for growth

Happy to hear from you Sukumar after a long time, yeah you shared a valid point of challenge in importing from china & Pakistan who are good at bottoms Indian vendors should grab this opportunity.

Can't agree more, the last time a got a WOW feedback on a bottom weight collection was when I worked with Pangea (SJSM). There is a huge opportunity in bottoms with the right PD and form of presentation. Thanks for highlighting ?

thanks for vouching my views with your experience Mahendra, let's explore the best possible ways for gaining the business momentum

Diversity is good thought, mainly for the mills in south india salem erode regions are experts in yarn dyed , as author rightly mentioned adopting with updated technology men and machine it is possible to make bottom weight fabrics. This will sure help them in filling the under utilisation of current capacity.

Hi Balaji, thanks for your inputs, yeah the point here is how quickly the south India is adopting to this change will decide the business benefits in their favor. let's hope the for the best soon.

This article contains much practical scinario of bottom weight industry Must watch garments professional only can touch these area.. Bottom units are much profitable rather tops. Indeed the set up will be brought up big.. Nice Mr. रमेश G. Keep rocking

thank you Loghu for your sensible comments about this article. much appreciated.

Hi Mr.Ramesh Again back with wonderful articles , all your articles promptly throw lights on the abundant opportunity to us , reading this i could remember olden days brainstorm had with my seniors about bottom weights fabrics in Denim, chino, corduroy varieties lack of mills & sourcing teams

Hi Anbu, Thanks again for your continued support in reading my articles, most of these articles are purely based on practical experience most of us have come across in our profession, hence it brings back good amount of old memories & smile while reading.

The thought of diversity is very good... Much needed article at this point of time.. Keep it up Ramesh!!!

Hi Kotte, your comments are much appreciated, thank you very much....


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